Twenty things you (probably) didn’t know about Infinite screenwriter, Ian Shorr.

1. My first job was: making smoothies at Zuka Juice in Park City Utah, at age 13.
2. If I wasn’t a writer, I would likely be… a chef in a debt-choked food truck, and probably still trying to be a DJ despite being a dorky 38-year-old dad.
3. I collect… tattoos, cookbooks, panda accoutrement
4. My favorite word is… swashbuckling. “To engage in daring and romantic adventures with ostentatious bravado or flamboyance.” I want that on my tombstone.
5. I’m a big fan of… Shane Black
6. The single best piece of (writing related) advice I have ever gotten… “You should always be a little embarrassed to show your script to people because of how much it reveals about you.”
7. I have always wanted to… through-hike the Pacific Crest Trail
8. The best thing I have ever read, (but did not write) is… the “Ex Machina” comic series by Brian K Vaughn
9. People often tell me that I… need to put pants back on and leave Panera Bread
10. I really think that my best work (published or not) is… just about every script I’ve written over the past 10 years has felt like either my best work or my worst work at some point in the process. So I can’t really make a judgement call on that one. So I’m just gonna say the best thing I’ve written is my wedding vows.
11. I find inspiration in… travel, dance music, weird desert festival shit, hiking at sunrise in Griffith Park, conversations with my nears and dears, and the score to MAD MAX: FURY ROAD.
12. The best thing about being a professional writer is… making my own hours, my own dress code, and my own employee code of conduct. And seeing my work come to life on a screen after only existing in my head for years… that feels thoroughly good.
13. I spend way too much time… dicking around on the internet
14. The smartest person in my cell phone is… my dad. He was in medical school by the time he turned 18. When I was that age, I was still sneaking 40’s into movie theaters.
15. It really bothers me when… I discover that someone has knowingly wasted my time, because time is the one thing I can’t recoup.
16. The worst thing about being a professional writer is… lack of creative control. The business realities of an IP-obsessed film industry. Dealing with wrecking balls that think they’re architects.
17. One mistake that most aspiring writers make is… being focused on outcome instead of process. A lot of aspiring writers don’t actually want to write; they want to be read and be validated and to have sold a script.
18. If I knew the apocalypse was coming in 24 hours, I’d… make a really epic meal for my wife, son, and loved ones. No expense spared, no calories counted, no sauce too rich, no wine too pricey… just fire up the stove, crank up Al Green, dine in the sunshine before the meteorite hits, go out with my belly full and a song in my heart.
19. The three websites I visit most often are… my social media accounts, Soundcloud, Reddit
20. You’d be surprised to know that I… have traveled through multiple continents by bicycle/hitchhiking.
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