Adam Kolbrenner – Literary Manager/Producer
Q: Who is Adam Kolbrenner?
A: Adam is a literary manager, producer and founder of Lit Entertainment Group.
Q: What has Adam done?
A: Adam started his career at the William Morris Agency before venturing out on his own and co-founding management and production company, Madhouse Entertainment. He produced the Hugh Jackman and Jake Gyllenhaal film, Prisoners and the Eric Bana and Olivia Wilde starrer Deadfall. In January of 2019, Adam formed Lit Entertainment Group.
Q: Where can I find Adam?
A: Visit Adam on the Lit Entertainment website, Twitter and on his IMDb page.
SCRIPTS & SCRIBES PODCAST #84 w/Adam Kolbrenner
We talk to Adam about how he works with his clients to develop material ready for the marketplace, what a writer’s “voice” really is, when a writer is ready for an agent, how much material he has to sift through to find a truly talented writer and much more.
Q&A INTERVIEW with Adam Kolbrenner
Adam explains the state of the spec market, what his philosophy on reading spec scripts is, the importance of a writer finding his/her voice and brand, the challenges of one-step deals and much more.
20Q INTERVIEW with Adam Kolbrenner
Twenty things you (probably) didn’t know about Lit Entertainment founder & producer of Prisoners, Adam Kolbrenner.