Carole Kirschner

Twenty things you (probably) didn’t know about WGA Showrunner Training Program, Humanitas New Voices & CBS Writers Mentoring Program Director, Carole Kirschner.

  1. My first job was… Assistant to 2 television Writer-Producers.
  1. If I didn’t work in the entertainment industry, I would likely be… a therapist .
  1. I collect… vintage detective novels.
  1. My favorite word is… really hard to choose, but one is: “exceptional”.
  1. I’m a big fan of… Showtime’s comedy “Episodes” .
  1. The single best piece of advice I have ever gotten is… Get your work done ahead of time, before it’s due.
  1. I have always wanted to… go back in time and meet Queen Elisabeth I.
  1. The best thing I have ever read is… My Stroke of Insight.
  1. People often tell me that I… am a good listener – but I don’t listen to that.
  1. One thing I wish I knew as a kid is… it gets better.
  1. I find inspiration in… nature and solitude.
  1. The best thing about discovering new writers is… the excitement of knowing there’s a new voice on the horizon and someone’s life is about to change and they’ll be able to achieve their dream of making a living as a writer.
  1. I spend way too much time… worrying.
  1. The funniest person in my cell phone is… Joyce Michaelson.
  1. It really bothers me when… people talk at you – it’s not a conversation, it’s a monologue.
  1. The future of the film industry is… about evolving to accommodate the way people consume entertainment.
  1. One mistake that many aspiring writers make is… not knowing that talent is just the beginning, to succeed they have to develop their entertainment industry profile or “brand”, build a community of contacts and market themselves in the right way.
  1. If I knew the apocalypse was coming in 24 hours, I’d…gather my family around me… we’d hug, cry and eat chocolate cake.
  1. The three websites I visit most often are… NY Times, Deadline Hollywood, Amazon.
  1. You’d be surprised to know that I… taught self-defense.
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