Twenty things you (probably) didn’t know about The Newsroom writer/story editor Ian Reichbach
1. My first job was… skateboarding counselor at French Woods summer camp.
2. If I wasn’t a writer, I would likely be… a really funny guy not good enough to play professional tennis.
3. I collect… good memories.
4. My favorite word is… palabra.
5. I’m a big fan of… Brian Regan.
6. The single best piece of (writing related) advice I have ever gotten… write like you’re trying to get that second date.
7. I have always wanted to… try various narcotics in the safety of an emergency room.
8. The best thing I have ever read, (but did not write) is… Pure Drivel by Steve Martin
9. People often tell me that I… should read more.
10. I really think that my best work (published or not) is… Ruination, a one-hour spec pilot.
11. I find inspiration in… all other writing.
12. The best thing about being a professional writer is… knowing that whenever someone watches a great movie or TV show, they badly want to meet the person who wrote it. Don’t they?
13. I spend way too much time… having pretend conversations.
14. The funniest person in my cell phone is… my Dad.
15. It really bothers me when… Jesus decides to hate certain types of people.
16. The worst thing about being a professional writer is… the first page.
17. One mistake that most aspiring writers make is… making a claim without having enough data to support it.
18. If I knew the apocalypse were coming in 24 hours, I’d… not care where I tried those narcotics.
19. The three websites I visit most often are… jackcolton.com, newton.dep.anl.gov, amazon.com.
20. You’d be surprised to know that I… am in training to do an iron cross.
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