Twenty things you (probably) didn’t know about LEGACIES writer/producer, Josh Schaer.
1. My first job was… paid intern at a car-seat trim factory
2. If I wasn’t a writer, I would likely be… a car-seat trim tycoon
3. I collect… therapists
4. My favorite word is… fucking
5. I’m a big fan of… the New York Jets. I get to use my favorite word a lot.
6. The single best piece of (writing related) advice I have ever gotten… “Know the difference between a challenge and a warning.”
7. I have always wanted to… be thought of as a “clothes horse”, but have made no effort to reach this goal.
8. The best thing I have ever read, (but did not write) is… The Stand by Stephen King, but ask me again in 10 minutes.
9. People often tell me that I… am tall. I know why and don’t know why, all at once.
10. I really think that my best work (published or not) is… an old pilot script called “Who Killed Archie Doyle?”
11. I find inspiration in… the massive personal and political differences between my family members
12. The best thing about being a professional writer is… Same thing everybody says, I’d bet: I get to make up and tell stories for a living.
13. I spend way too much time… on
14. The funniest person in my cell phone is… my daughter. She uses the poop emoji like an exclamation point.
15. It really bothers me when… my kid throws up in the car on the way to school. Seriously, why not 10 minutes earlier?
16. The worst thing about being a professional writer is… having to wait for a no.
17. One mistake that most aspiring writers make is… writing for the business, and not about what they know / the voice they want to write in.
18. If I knew the apocalypse was coming in 24 hours, I’d… take an REI store hostage
19. The three websites I visit most often are… the ringer, espn, quora
20. You’d be surprised to know that I… always have tea, never coffee. Come at me, fucking coffee drinkers!
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