
Twenty things you (probably) didn’t know about literary manager, Josh Adler.

1. My first job was… a cart-boy at a local golf course.

2. If I wasn’t a manager, I would likely be… unemployed.

3. I collect… shoes and watches.

4. My favorite word is… sold.

5. I’m a big fan of… good barbeque.

6. The single best piece of (screenwriting) advice I have ever given… no matter what happens next, keep writing.

7. I have always wanted to… time travel.

8. The best thing I have ever read is… that one script by my client(s).

9. People often tell me that I… don’t approach questionnaires seriously enough.

10. I really think that the most challenging script sale I ever made was… I’ve never had an entirely drama-free one. Every script sale is challenging in some way, shape, or form.

11. I find inspiration in… the oddest of places.

12. The best thing about being a manager is… the unpredictability. On any given day, anything can happen.

13. I spend way too much time… thinking about work.

14. The funniest person in my cell phone is… Siri.

15. It really bothers me when… things don’t match, don’t line up, or are out of place.

16. The worst thing about being a manager is… the unpredictability. On any given day, anything can happen.

17. One mistake that most aspiring screenwriters make is… writing solely for the market. You should try and write something that can sell, yes, but there is no substitute for passion. First and foremost, write what you know and what you love.

18. If I knew the apocalypse was coming in 24 hours, I’d… run the opposite direction.

19. The three websites I visit most often are… Studio System, IFLScience, Wikipedia

20. You’d be surprised to know that I… don’t like surprises.


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