We attended FREE COMIC BOOK DAY at The Comic Bug in Manhattan Beach, California and recorded some great writer/creator video interviews with Joshua Dysart (Harbinger, Unknown Soldier), JT Krul (Captain Atom, Mindfield), David Wohl (Executive Assistant Iris, Witchblade), David Schwartz (Fathom, Idolized), Brian Buccellato (Flash, Foster) and Richard Starkings (Elephantmen).  Highlights of the festivities are below.

You can see all the writer/creator interviews on our YouTube channel – PLAYLIST HERE

Special thanks to Mike, Jun and the whole gang at the Comic Bug!  If you’re in the South Bay (or have a way to get there), get there!  It’s a fantastic place for comics!

They were also generous enough to give us some freebies that we had autographed and will be giving away to readers/listeners who send us great questions.  So if you have a question about the craft or business of writing for comic books (or any style of writing), send us an email to ask {at} scriptsandscribes [dot] com or tweet it to us at @ScriptsScribes.

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