Corey Mandell – Screenwriter & Screenwriting TeacherCorey Mandlell teaching picture

Q:  Who is Corey Mandell?
A:  Corey is a screenwriter and screenwriting instructor.

Q:  What has Corey done?
A:  Corey’s first project sold to Ridley Scott and he’s written and sold to Warners, Universal, Fox, Disney, Paramount and numerous production companies.  He’s also a screenwriting instructor who has taught as UCLA, Film Independent and has his own screenwriting workshops.

Q:  Where can I find Corey?
A:  Corey is on Twitter and has a website for his screenwriting workshops. You can also check out his instructor bio at the UCLA Extension website.


unSCRIPTED PODCASTS with Corey Mandell

Screenwriter and Screenwriting Teacher Corey Mandell on the unSCRIPTED Podcast.

SCRIPTS & SCRIBES PODCAST #96 with Corey Mandell

Corey talks about the current state of the film and TV marketplace, effective strategies for breaking in, creative integration in screenwriting and much more.

Corey Mandell Logo

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